Abundant social resources for rural development

Abundant social resources for rural development-When we look at what is owned by the poor, what is the most they have? among the five existing assets; natural resources, financial resources, social resources, physical resources and human resources.

The fact that I encounter every time I come to poor households, as seen in the pentagon assets belonging to one of the poor below

We can see from this picture that is the most prominent social resources in which rural community lifestyle is still strongly felt. The next one is a physical resource which is physically here is anything that already exists around them without them making such as public facilities and infrastructure facilities and social infrastructures.

Then what can be done armed with these social resources? This is a fundamental question that must be answered by the conscious by us. The most likely to do first is to build human resources armed with social resources earlier.

The social resources which are still far from the poor must be brought closer so that they are easy to access. Thus making the group here is a must to be a forum to deliver increased capacity of the poor.

This was our experience for assisting poor people's empowerment program. we must move with anything that is used in these poor people. Of the existence of this group then learning about the increase in all sorts of resources we can do. for example, will increase the financial resources, the forms of activity that must be done is the mobilization of member savings.

We encourage them to be able to meet the security needs independently. Because any financial institution in a position they are like this of course afraid to provide loan capital or other partnerships.

As my experience while accompanying a group of poor people at the bottom;

This is my experience while facilitating the formation of groups whose members are poor people in the village of the District Kluwut Bulakamba Brebes. Indeed the resources of the most prominent of them is the social resources. They are grouped in units of local environmental group called RT (Rukun Tetangga).

After the group had been formed and the management methods they need in order to strengthen information can be conveyed. And strengthening the resources most likely for the first time is the strengthening of financial resources or capital groups. for that they are required to save regularly and scheduled. 

It turns out if there is assistance earnest, even the poor can save capital raise. aasistance earnest really means mentoring done by local people and is present every time they need advice and guidance.

Like profile group in the picture; The group is named Barokah Makmur formed as a group that will access PKKPM Kluwut village. The sum of all group members there are 17 people. Group capital raising by way of Compulsory Savings Rp. 5000, - / per person per weekly meetings and Savings Voluntary variable amount. Currently the deposits that build up in the group had 5 million and loaned out to members in need.

This is evidence that the financial resources to develop easy to do beachhead of social resources. So it's important we note this time is; improve the capacity of poor communities to involve themselves, not just given away. The next social resources of the poor should be used to build other resources that can improve their livelihood independently

Let us set out to empower poor communities to maximize the role of these social resources.

Greetings empowerment

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